Coach Spotlight: Coach Anca

August 18, 2023

Posted by BOLDLY

On this week's BOLDLY Coach Spotlight we welcome ICF PCC Coach Anca! Thank you for joining us all the way from Romania, we look forward to learning more about your life, background and coaching success!

1. Where are you based and what is your favorite thing about that city?

I am currently located in Cluj-Napoca, a vibrant university town. One aspect that truly captivates me about this city is its dynamic energy. With a substantial population of young people, there is an abundance of engaging events catered to their interests, such as music festivals and art exhibitions. Cluj-Napoca ensures that there is always something exciting to partake in during one' leisure time.

2. Do you have a quote that you try to live by?

While I don't have a specific quote that governs my life, I whole-heartedly believe in treating every individual with utmost humanity. This guiding principle reminds me to approach others with empathy, compassion, and respect in all my interactions.

3.What is your most prized possession?

Without a doubt, my most cherished companion is my nine-year-old Labrador, Daf. Although I often refer to her as my dog, she is truly a beloved member of my family. Daf has been an unwavering presence in my life, accompanying me through various experiences. We share an unbreakable bond, and even some meals together!

4. How would you describe your coaching style?

I would say my coaching style is both holistic and mindful. Regardless of the challenges my clients bring in the coaching relationship, I place a strong emphasis on understanding them as multifaceted individuals. I firmly believe that we are the same person in different contexts, whether at work, home, with friends, or in solitude. By recognizing this inherent interconnectedness, I guide my clients towards finding harmony and balance in their decision-making processes. Additionally, I help them cultivate mindfulness, enabling them to identify factors that may impede their progress as well as those that empower them to effect positive change and enhance their lives.

5. You are a Certified Scrum Master. What does this certification entail?

As a Certified Scrum Master, my role centers around facilitating teams in embracing the Scrum methodology for their work processes. Scrum promotes collaboration among individuals, teams, and organizations, enabling them to adapt their solutions continually to the ever-evolving and complex environment. In my capacity as a Scrum Master, I educate, train, and coach teams, empowering them to become self-organizing units. Together, we embark on a journey of continuous inspection and adaptation, ensuring that we respond effectively to the changes encountered throughout the lifecycle of a project.

6. Pre-career coaching among university students is increasingly prevalent. Could you please elaborate on your experience in this field and the benefits observed by those who receive such coaching?

Indeed, the popularity of career coaching among university students has grown significantly. While I am delighted by this trend, I envision a future where high school students can also access such guidance. The decision to choose a university or a specific field of study represents a pivotal moment for young adults, often accompanied by overwhelming challenges. Common difficulties include adjusting to university life while balancing academic responsibilities with personal pursuits, as well as grappling with uncertainty regarding their chosen majors. Many students resort to suboptimal decision-making strategies, such as succumbing to parental or peer influence, driven by a strong desire for belonging, which tends to intensify during adolescence and emerging adulthood. Even those who initially felt certain about their choices may encounter doubts as they discover a genuine passion for a subject that may not align with their envisioned profession.

As a career coach, I assist these individuals in navigating such challenges and guide them towards decisions that align with their desired lives. I recall a remarkable transformation where a student transitioned from studying law to pursuing a career as a tattoo artist.

7. What has been the most rewarding moment of your professional coaching career?

Each time a client achieves their desired goal, I experience an immense sense of fulfillment. Witnessing the spark in their eyes as they realize the coherence of their choices and witness their newfound empowerment to pursue their dream careers exemplifies why I find such joy in career coaching. Occasionally, this alignment occurs later in their lives. For instance, I once worked with a struggling student facing both career and life decisions. Although our time together was limited, I provided as much assistance as possible during the coaching process. Years later, I received a message from this student, recounting the transformative decisions they made since our collaboration and how they successfully pursued their aspiration of becoming an academic. The happiness I felt in that moment is indescribable.

8. Do you find there is a preference for executive coaching services to be delivered online or in person? Which do you prefer?

The preference for online or in-person executive coaching services largely depends on individual preferences and accustomed working styles. The advent of the pandemic has considerably reshaped our collaboration methods, resulting in enhanced remote working capabilities. In the IT industry, with which I am familiar, professionals, including executives, often favor remote work arrangements, hence embracing online coaching platforms. As for myself, I am proficient and efficient in both online and offline settings.

Initially, I leaned towards in-person sessions due to limitations in available tools for online coaching. However, having overcome those obstacles, I now find equal satisfaction and efficacy in both environments.

9. What drew you to become a professional coach?

Throughout my career, I have consistently embraced the role of a change agent, striving to bring about positive transformations for myself and those around me. As I deepened my self-awareness over the years, I discovered a profound enjoyment in working with individuals who shared a mutual desire for personal growth and improvement. Coaching offered me the opportunity to guide individuals willingly and consciously through transformative journeys, helping them shape the lives they desire.

10. Throughout your entire career, both as a professional coach and prior, how have you witnessed the evolution of coaching culture?

Reflecting specifically on the evolution of coaching culture in Romania, I have observed significant advancements. A decade ago, coaching predominantly originated from company-driven initiatives, but now individuals are actively seeking coaching services. Within the IT industry, numerous companies have dedicated Learning and Development Specialists whose primary responsibility involves fostering a coaching culture. I have personally been involved in a project where a private school, as part of its organizational vision, aimed to instill a coaching culture. Comparatively, eight years ago, I was among a few Learning and Development Specialists employed by an IT company, during a period when coaching remained unfamiliar to most employees.

The fact that HR and L&D professionals are now sponsored by their companies to become certified coaches marks a substantial leap forward in the Romanian coaching landscape.

11. Finally, what advice would you give to those considering engaging a career coach?

I have two essential pieces of advice for individuals contemplating the engagement of a career coach. Firstly, prioritize choosing a trained professional. Whether they hold an international certification from organizations like ICF or EMCC or possess national accreditation, the emphasis should be on their training and their ability to guide you through a validated process of improvement. Additionally, accreditation ensures adherence to ethical regulations, offering you peace of mind during the coaching journey. Secondly, seek a coach whose personality and coaching style resonate with you. While all trained coaches possess the necessary skills to assist you, their unique personalities and coaching approaches play a significant role. Before committing to a particular coach, I recommend requesting discovery / chemistry sessions with multiple coaches to identify the one with whom you experience a strong connection.

Thank you for joining us in this week's coach spotlight Anca and sharing your insight- it was our pleasure having you with us! To book a free 30-minute chemistry session with Coach Anca, or to learn more about the services we offer at BOLDLY, visit or email

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